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By Susan Malcomb
Lexington Humane Society

The Lexington Humane Society (LHS) is proud to partner with GreenHouse17 to ensure victims of domestic violence are never deterred from exiting a violent situation for fear of their pets’ health and well-being.

Expanding upon our mission to prevent animal cruelty and encourage life-long pet ownership, LHS assists with emergency pet boarding, which may include spay/neuter surgery, vaccinations, and other wellness care, at no cost for survivors of intimate partner abuse.

Studies show a victim of abuse will often not leave a dangerous situation if a pet must be left behind.

To encourage individuals to seek help from the compassionate team at GreenHouse17, LHS is here to provide the same level of care and support to survivors’ pets. In doing so, the survivors are provided peace of mind, knowing the well-being of their pets is a priority, thus assisting survivors in their healing journeys.

This post is part of our 17 Voices campaign during Domestic Violence Awareness Month.  Pets are such an important part of our days at the emergency shelter. Our SAF-T Kennels provide safety for pets of survivors who are living with us, and the cats and horses who live on our property give and get lots of love every day.  

And we can’t forget Lexington’s Blue Montana, the first dog to receive an order of protection after helping his human stay safe during domestic violence: