A safety plan will help you navigate risks and threats you may experience before, during, and after abuse.

Every situation is different. Trust your instincts. If something on this list seems like it could cause danger for you, don’t do it. Remember you can call our 24-hour crisis line at 800.544.2022 anytime, any day. Our advocates are available to support you. Together, we can tailor a safety plan to meet your specific needs.

Prepare. Trust your instincts. Know who to trust.

Are you in immediate danger?
  • If you are in immediate danger, call 911.
  • Flee to the home of a trusted friend, relative, neighbor if possible.
  • If you’re in Lexington, board any Lextran bus and say these words: “I need a ride to safety.”
How can I hide my search history online?
  • Use caution if you share a computer or mobile phone with the abuser.
  • It’s common for an abuser to monitor the websites you visit and the calls you make.
  • Remember it’s impossible to completely clear your browser history.
  • Consider using a computer or phone of a trusted friend.
What are my options when the abuse gets worse?
  • Tell a trusted friend or family member. Abuse thrives in silence and isolation. Telling someone about your situation may be difficult, but taking positive action to end the abuse is easier with support.
  • If you have children, discuss an age-appropriate safety plan for when you are not with them. If they’re old enough, practice making play calls to 911 on toy phones.
  • If your children attend school, consider speaking with administrators to alert them to safety concerns. Decide and plan where you will go if you need to flee quickly.
  • If you have a protective order, keep a copy of the document with you at all times. Make a copy for a trusted friend or family member to keep for you.
  • If you don’t have a protective order, consider filing for one. We can help you with this process. Even though a protective order is not a guarantee of safety, serious consequences for the abuser can result in greater safety for you.
What should I do when preparing to escape?
  • Decide and plan where you will go if you need to flee quickly.
  • Practice how to get out of your home safely.
  • Open a savings account in your own name.
  • Ask a trusted friend or family member if you can use their address for mailings.
  • Prepare a bag with copies of important documents, extra medicine, clothing, and some money. Leave this bag with someone you trust.
  • Decide if you will inform your employer and colleagues at work about your abuser. If possible, provide them with a photograph of this person, and consider having someone escort you to your car or wait with you at the bus stop after work.

Puedes cumplir con las órdenes de visita de forma segura.

Un plan de seguridad te ayudará a navegar por los riesgos y amenazas que puedes experimentar antes, durante y después del abuso.

Un buen primer paso es recopilar documentos importantes y volver a poner tanto dinero en efectivo como se pueda. Decide y planifica dónde irás si necesitas huir. Practica la rutina. Si tienes hijos, desarrolla un plan para cuando no estés con ellos.

Preparar. Confiar en tus instintos. Saber en quién confiar. 

Si tienes una orden de protección, conserva una copia en todo momento y haz una copia para un amigo. Si no tienes una orden judicial, podemos ayudarte con este proceso.

Considera usar la computadora de algún amigo para visitar nuestro sitio web y obtener más ideas de seguridad.  Llámanos para asistencia para la planificación de seguridad, a cualquier hora del día, cualquier día del año. 

Un plan de sûreté vous aidera à gérer les risques et les menaces que vous pouvez rencontrer avant, pendant et après les abus.

Chaque situation est différente. Si quelque chose peut causer vous mettre plus de danger, ne le faites pas. Faites confiance à votre instinct.   

Une bonne première étape consiste à rassembler les documents importants et à mettre autant d’argent que vous le pouvez de côté. Décidez et planifiez où vous irez si vous devez fuir. Pratiquez une routine. Si vous avez des enfants, développez un plan d’action pour quand vous n’êtes pas avec eux.   

Préparer. Faites confiance à votre instinct. Savoir à qui faire confiance   

Conservez une copie de votre ordonnance de protection à tout moment et faites-en une copie pour un ami et si vous n’en avez pas de, nous pouvons vous aider avec ce processus.   

Pensez à utiliser l’ordinateur d’un ami pour visiter notre site Web pour plus d’idées de sécurité et appelez-nous à n’importe quelle heure de la journée, n’importe quel jour de l’année afin d’obtenir une assistance sûreté. 


Call our 24-hour Hotline to be connected with an advocate.