Conversation Sunday – A Domestic Violence Awareness Month EventBlog

Conversation Sunday – A Domestic Violence Awareness Month Event

Participate in a day to start conversations about domestic violence on Sunday, October 15!

Talk about it during your faith service. Talk about it before the game. Talk about it during a walk with your neighbor. Consider the barriers to leaving, accountability for abusers, media representations of abuse, and the intersection of -isms with domestic violence.

Download the printable Conversations Sunday flier from this link.

These are difficult but important topics.  Your conversations will help create a community that is intolerant of violence and supports survivors.

Not sure how to begin the conversation? Check out these ideas and prompts to get started (and keep the conversation going.)

And remember to share your participation on social media throughout the day to raise awareness for the cause! Don’t forget to tag and mention us in your post: #ConversationSunday #TalkAboutDV #DVAM #supportsurvivors #endDV @GreenHouse17 @GreenHouse17KY

For more information, please send us a note or call Mary at 859-519-1906.


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