Pride 2020
Progress Pride Flag redesigned by Daniel Quasar to be more “inclusive and progressive”
It goes without saying that Pride month this year looks very different. With COVID-19 social distancing guidelines and the continued momentum of the Black Lives Matter (BLM) protests, it has been inspiring to see communities come together to demand justice for Black lives and celebrate Pride.
Across the country and here in Kentucky, BLM protest and Pride parades have been combined with the deep understanding that protecting Black lives must be prioritized.
As we challenge the idea that this is not merely a moment and, actually, a movement, we are able to reflect on the harsh reality that until there is liberation for all people in this country there can be no pride.
Just over 50 years ago, the Pride Movement began with the Stonewall riots and protest against police brutality and LGBTQIA+ oppression in 1969. What we cannot forget, especially as we continue to oppose police brutality against Black lives, is women of color — including Stormé DeLarverie, Sylvia Rivera, and Marsha “Pay It no Mind” Johnson — are the mothers of the trans and queer liberation movement.
Our mission is to end intimate partner violence, and we mean that for all people regardless of sexual orientation or race. Both the Pride and the Black Lives Matter movement mean a lot to us and our vision that all people deserve the right to live a life free of violence.
Under-reporting and barriers to services has been directly related to fear of police retaliation. According to the National Coalition of Anti-Violence Programs, “Transgender people were 7 times more likely to experience physical violence when interacting with the police compared to cisgender survivors and victims.”
We must demand justice for all, and not settle for anything less. We owe this to our ancestors and the future generations to come.