Getting and staying sober takes courage, especially if you’re a survivor of intimate partner abuse.

Some survivors began drinking more to numb the physical and emotional pain of abuse, while others were forced to drink and drug by their abuser.

You may feel ashamed about the abuse and for using substances. Remember you have survived the trauma of abuse the only way you could. Now, though, the substances are putting your safety at risk and making it harder for your body and mind to heal.

With a plan and supportive network, you can live a safe sober life. Let us support you along the way with referrals to treatments, specialized support groups for survivors in recovery, and extra help to re-imagine your sober, violence-free life.

Healthy coping. Peer support. Strength. Determination.

If you need more support, call us to talk about options and about days and times of support groups in your area. Our advocates are available 24 hours a day, every day of the year to answer questions, make safety plans, advocate for legal rights, and offer support during your healing journey.

Breathe in courage. Exhale Fear.

24-HOUR HOTLINE 800.544.2022