Oh my! Summer flowers are sold out.

We’re overwhelmed with gratitude for the community’s support of our farm this summer. If you’d like to be notified when registration opens next year, please complete this short form.

2024 FAQS

What is this new U-Pick Season Pass?

U-Pick Season Pass holders can attend up to four u-pick days on the farm this season. You can come out between 10 am – 2 pm on the first Friday or Saturday (whichever is more convenient) in July, August, September, and October. We provide the bucket and clippers, and you get to pick the beautiful flowers! Bring family or a friend to share a bucket. Well-behaved dogs on leashes are welcome in the fields, too. U-pick days are rain or shine, unless the weather becomes dangerous.

What if I only want to attend one u-pick day on the farm?

You can reserve your bucket now! Just choose the Saturday date you prefer. We provide the bucket and clippers! Bring family or a friend to share a bucket, or purchase more than one bucket to pick more flowers. Well-behaved dogs on leashes are welcome in the fields, too. U-pick days are rain or shine, unless the weather becomes dangerous..

Can I become a Summer Flower CSA member and purchase a U-Pick Season Pass or one-time bucket?

Yes! We would love that. Just add both to your bag before checkout.

What does CSA mean?

CSA is the abbreviation for community-supported agriculture. This term means the farmer and member share in the benefits and risks of agricultural production. We commit to keeping members informed about successes and challenges during the growing season.

When will my Summer Flower CSA begin and end?

The membership options you choose will determine specific start and end date for your flowers. This year’s season begins the week of June 10 and continues every other week through September 20. We will send you an email with the dates of your flower distributions as the summer season nears.

Why aren't you offering weekly or monthly Summer Flower CSA memberships this year?

The decision was made to introduce more u-pick days on the farm this year, so more survivors can participate in the effort and more people can enjoy the flowers. The change to distributing CSA flowers every other week helps our small farm team to accomodate the change.

How much does the Summer Flower CSA membership cost?

The Summer Flower CSA membership this year is $225 for eight distributions of beautiful flowers from our farm. Additional fees for delivery apply.

Where and when do I pickup my flowers?

You can choose from these pickup days and locations in Lexington. We are grateful for the support of these community partners:

Third Street Coffee
Tuesdays, 4 to 6 pm
257 Limestone in Lexington

Vine & Branch Wine
Thursdays, 3 to 6 pm
355 Southland Drive in Lexington

Origin Hotel
Thursdays, 5 to 7 pm
The Summit at Fritz Farm
4174 Rowan in Lexington

Why are there fewer Summer Flower CSA pickup locations this year?

Fewer pickup days/locations were necessary to accomodate more u-pick days on the farm.

What if I can't pick up my Summer Flower CSA one week?

We aren’t able to reschedule your pickup day or location after the season has begun. But we understand that  illness, vacations, and life’s emergencies happen. If you’re unable to pick up your flowers one week, please send a friend or family member to pick up the flowers in your place.

What kind of flowers do you grow?

Our flowers are local and seasonal. Colors and varieties change throughout the summer. Examples of the most prolific flowers on our farm include Ageratum, Celosia, Cosmos, Gomphrena, Rudbeckia, Sunflowers, and Zinnia.

Is your farm organic?

Although not USDA certified, we use organic fertilizers and pesticides derived from natural sources. Drip irrigation and hand labor reduces our farm’s carbon footprint, and the crops we plant provide a habitat for pollinators and beneficial insects. Little bug bites on leaves here and there are a reminder that we only use sustainable and responsible practices on our farm.

How does my support help survivors of intimate partner abuse?

Your Summer Flower CSA membership and u-pick day attendance supports nature-based healing opportunities for survivors and their children. Our farm is supported by research related to healing outcomes of therapeutic gardens and “social farming” as a means to promote healing and community networks in rural areas. Although survivors can experience benefits of our farm in many ways, many choose to participate through a six-week program with goals specific to job readiness and training. Survivors participating in this program recieve a weekly stipend for their contribution of time and effort.

Is my Summer Flower CSA membership or U-Pick Season Pass tax-deductible?

Probably not. The market value of the flowers you’ll receive exceeds the cost being charged. It’s unlikely your membership will be tax-deductible; however, we recommend speaking with a tax professional to confirm. Should you require additional information for tax purposes, please contact us.

What if I have other questions?

Let’s talk. Call 859-519-1911 or complete this short form to reach out.

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