Crisis Hotline Tear-Off FlyerBlog

Crisis Hotline Tear-Off Flyer

Raise awareness & offer support 💜

A local hospital reached out to request a crisis hotline tear-off sheet to hang in their bathrooms. We thought it was a fantastic idea and wanted to share it so other workplaces can also offer this resource. 

The Impact 

By placing these tear-off sheets in your workplace, you can: 

  • Raise Awareness: Help bring attention to intimate partner abuse and our organization’s services. 
  • Offer Support: Provide an immediate, accessible resource for those in need. The tear-off sheets contain our crisis hotline number which is answered 24/7. 
  • Show Compassion: Show your employees and visitors your commitment to their well-being. This small gesture can significantly impact someone’s life.

Download the flyer.

Click on the link above to download a flyer to print or share with others.

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