January is National Stalking Awareness MonthBlog

January is National Stalking Awareness Month

Stalking often co-occurs with intimate partner violence and can be an indicator of other forms of violence.  

All stalkers can be dangerous. Intimate partner stalkers, compared to acquaintance and stranger stalkers, are more likely to threaten and physically assault the victim and their friends and family.   

Diane’s Story 

Our associate director shares her story about an ex-partner who stalked her in college. 

Learn More 
  • Call our 24-hour Crisis Hotline to speak with an advocate: 800-544-2022.   
  • Follow SPARC – Stalking Prevention, Awareness & Resource Center.   
  • Use SHARP (Stalking and Harassment Assessment and Risk Profile) to get a narrative of a situation and safety strategies. 
For Employers 

44% of US adults say they have experienced the effects of intimate partner abuse at work. Raise awareness and offer support by placing these tear-off sheets in your workplace. Read this blog post about creating a safe workspace.

Call us 24/7 at 800-544-2022

If you or someone you know is being stalked, reach out to a trained advocate.

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