Handmade ExperiencesBlog

Handmade Experiences

“I know whoever purchases our products will enjoy them as much as I’m liking being a part of making them.”

These words were written by a survivor who participated in handmade programming on the farm that surrounds our emergency shelter. The process of making products encourages healing and economic opportunity in a safe and caring environment.

“It was a lifeline,” shares Jewell. She received a weekly stipend while working to develop, make, package, and label handmade products. “This program gave me some kind of purpose, or drive, or reason to get up. There were a lot of days that I contemplated not coming and realized this is where I needed to be.”

Another survivor who prefers to remain anoymous shares how the process is helping her: “I’m making new friends and getting outside of my comfort zone—and really starting to enjoy myself again.”

Your purchase of Handmade by Survivors products makes these stories possible. Every product we make is natural, nourishing, and creates hope for brighter tomorrows.

“I feel peaceful and my mind feels clear,” shares LaTonya, who helped develop, test, and make the Benevolence variety of cold-process soap. She describes the experience as very therapeutic.

“Whatever the task may be, I feel empowered to take on that task, and that is so uplifting for me.”

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