Summer’s HarvestBlog

Summer’s Harvest

“Our strawberries taste a whole lot better than the ones that came from the store,” said a survivor living in shelter. “They’re sweeter and juicier.”

There’s nothing better than a home-cooked meal made with food grown with your own hands.

Many meals prepared in the shelter this time of year feature fresh produce from the farm. Lunch is often a big summer salad. Tacos and salsa made with vegetables from the farm are popular, too.

“I’m all about the farm-to-table connection,” shares Hattie Nunley, farm and family advocate. “I think even being able to just supplement onions in a meal is special.”

“The farm was amazing. Getting my hands in the dirt was one of the best experiences of my life,” says Michelle.

Carrots, kale, cabbage, bok choy, broccoli, cauliflower, onions, potatoes, tomatoes, and peppers were seeded in January and planted in April. Several hoop houses on the farm will extend the harvest season through late autumn.

“I was able to be involved in planting the peppers and tomatoes and a discussion of the future planting of okra and squash,” shares a survivor.

Too many in central Kentucky experience food insecurity. Healing the physical and emotional wounds of violence becomes more difficult without access to nutritious food.

Hattie is working to expand the farm’s production to provide survivors with fresh produce even after leaving the shelter. She collaborates closely with the shelter’s dining and nutrition advocate for menu planning.

They also co-facilitate a monthly support group about healthy relationships with food.

“My favorite thing so far has been harvesting strawberries,” says another survivor. “They were so sweet and delicious.”

Read the Summer 2022 Issue of Bloom 💜

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